Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project Life Week 4

Here's Project Life Week 4. Sorry for the poor pic quality. Hubby needs to "borrow" the camera from me. Photos were taken at night in my scrap room. Week 4 consists of all random stuff going about in our life.

 Take note that it is not in chronological order. The photo sleeves determine which photos or journal notes that I will put in.

Girls were busy playing with Angry Birds at their Aunt's house.

Here's the left side: Top right pic is a small note from Ah Ger's schoolmate's mummy (Their school uniform got mixed up). Bottom right: A drawing of Mummy by Meimei.

Here's the right page. Journaled down their homeworks, my favorite place to eat....etc.

Botton left: Journaled down funny things they said. Bottom right: Meimei's tantrum....

Week 4, and I'm still loving Project Life. Despite being set back while I took a 4 days short trip to Hongkong last weekend, I still managed to finish my Week 6 yesterday. Yes, it leaves me little time for LOs but I still feel that I had accomplished much more doing Project Life.

Thanks for dropping by!!

1 comment:

klun said...

Your Week 4 looks great! Love how you included your daughter's meltdown in your PL. And your photos are really good for being taken at night (: