Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!!

Better late than never...... Merry Christmas to all!! Was on morning shift today. Work is okay today.... not busy... but occupied. With staff on annual leave, no pay leave, hospitalization leave, maternity leave and sick leave, staffing has been quite tight. Day in day out... always see the same people working..... Nevertheless, it's Christmas!! Moods are still moderate if not high..... We have been receiving quite a number of gifts.. yummy...Heh...

Here is what I have been busy with for the past few days or weeks. Handmade Christmas boxes filled with goodies such as butterfly magnets, cute wooden pegs, handiplasts (everyone needs it at least once in their lifetime!!) and sweets. Even though, I don't really celebrate Christmas except for the fact that it is a public holiday, I love the thought of giving others little gifts as a gesture of my appreciation and being thankful for having them around. It is also a token of good luck for the new year!! I know... I know.... I can really be blunt and harsh at times but as Sis H had said before... forgive and forget. We shall start the year with a brand new book. Enjoy your holidays everyone!!! Once again... Have a Merry Christmas!!

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